
Tonal: Meet the Smartest Home Gym

Leave your dumbbells in the past and step into the future of fitness with Tonal. With adaptive weight that adjusts to your every …

12 thoughts on “Tonal: Meet the Smartest Home Gym

  1. So, as far as i understand this is subscription based function even though i paid for the equipment??? I have to pay monthly to have unlocked "features" of a spotter, dynamic weight modes that is in essence why i bought the machine? I agree with paying for the videos though. Everything else though is a scam. Avoid this company setting poor standards for future. Vote with your wallet.

  2. @bham9135 says:

    The stutter in the screen at 0:44 isn’t very inspiring. It would be cool if it just held an iPad instead of being stuck with the current screen.

  3. Looks really cool. Thinking about buying one to give value to my house (planning to sell in one year, it will stay).

  4. How much is the price ????

  5. So it takes up a little less space than a foldable Bowflex, can do less movements, probably less reliable/harder to fix and costs 6-7 times as much… got it

  6. @mw2077 says:

    Just purchased one and I can’t wait for my delivery. I am wondering does Tonal have any plans on increasing the maximum resistance in the future or is the tonal even capable of doing such?

  7. @Paul79UF says:

    I just reached my goal of 1,000,000 lbs (one million pounds) lifted in under a year a few days ago. We both love our Tonal. 🙂 Here's the proof video –

  8. Will not be purchasing now since LeBron is your spokesperson. Lmao not really a good decision on your marketing. Peleton here I come. Also they have good customer service.

  9. @Somtric says:

    EU When? and are you planning to improve your constumer service? which is clear that everyone who does purchase from you, is not happy about.

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