Workout For Women


Hi Fam! Start with this THICKER THIGHS AND CALVES WORKOUT and ask me questions! PLEASE. Do this workout 2 times (2 …


  1. Here is a beginner friendly THICKER THIGHS & CALVES WORKOUT. You can do it💪🏽. Ask me questions, I’m here for this process. Read the description for protein foods you need😋. Love ya😜💖

  2. Exercise should be done before or after meal?

  3. @paigecox675 says:

    I'm so embarrassed to be writing this RN but as a 14 year old I really wanted to try this workout to see if it'll change my body and give it a more refined look so I'm gonna try my best to do it daily although I feel the pain in pushing yourself I'm here to do it!

    Day 1: Today was challenging I'm not as fit and I really felt the burn I'm going to continue for a week and longer to see if I see changes develop.

    Day 2: omg I don't if it's just me but the next day when doing the workout and in general your legs are absolutely so sore! I pushed through the workout although my legs were so sore! No changes yet I don't think. I'll do this for a week and see how I go.

  4. Starting this workout today
    I'll write updates here
    Day 1 : it's been long since I work out, and this felt hard to finish but I did finish it


    12/31/23 Day 1: i felt so many burns, but yk, no pain no gainnnnn
    1/01/24 Day 2: my stomach got flatter and my butt is looking volumptious
    1/02/24 Day 3: my legs BURN, but theyre so carved and my thigh gap got smaller! my calves are a bit bigger and my butt is perfectly shaped

  6. Hey! I will be doing updates! I wanna do this workout before the summer starts so i can be confident in wearing dresses and shorts!

    Update: So I've been doing this for 4-5 days (I skipped a day because I was VERY busy) and i still havent gotten results. Its ok I'll keeo going and see how it goes. Ill be back to update!

  7. @annaOK916 says:

    I’m 12 years old(almost 13!) and I’m very insecure about my twiggy legs. I play soccer and basketball and I’ve decided to start working out more to gain muscle for those sports(and so my legs don’t look as small) does anyone have any tips i.e. how many times should I do it in a day/week, what should my diet be like, ect

  8. @axgel_vhsr says:

    Can i lose fat with this too??

  9. How many calories does this exercise even burn ??

  10. I started from today let's see it'll work or not

  11. @puffyc6373 says:

    I am already thick but I'm here because you guys are so motivating😢❤ keep it up guys😊

  12. Heyyy, its 2023 and im doing this for a week, i’m on day 2 rn

    Day 1: ✅My body hurt so much the next day, but i think that means its working!

    Day 2: ❌I couldnt do it today, but i did a different workout similar to it.

    Day 3: ✅I did it! I dont see any difference yet, but we trust the process!

    Day 4: ✅ I did it again! It’s still hard to do and im struggling, but i did see a bit of difference today! I’m going to continue doing it.

  13. Does this help with hip dips?

  14. Day : 1 done
    Day : 2 done
    Day : 3 done
    day : 4 done
    day : 5 done
    ( js updating lil late )

  15. Trying this for 2 weeks! Ill be back after and tell you guys the results. I've always weighted under 118 lbs and i always feel weak and flat. Trying this starting tmr/Monday

  16. thank god !! im so tired of people trying to get me to slim my thighs down !! I love having them thick and strong 💪🏼

  17. you know youre out of shape af if not even 20 secs passed and you're shaking already

  18. TYSMM! My legs got bigger and im not insecure anymore!

  19. Does this works with hip dips also?

  20. I have been insucure about my legs so anyone that has done this workout… does is make your legs bigger and calves bigger??

  21. Day 1: no différence, Burning and sweating

  22. Can I apply plant based protein instead of meat?

  23. The thighs sis had before is my goal for now💀🤡

  24. I am skinny, well only my legs are kind of skinny. I wanna gain weight. This video is helping me!

  25. Day one: my legs were burning

  26. @Sumiii_ko says:

    Girl really got me panting and breathing for air in the first 2 minutes

  27. Idh engane aan kazhikendath? Idh kazhichal color vekkumo?

  28. I will be doing this for a week or more, maybe when I achieve my goal. Just saying I will add some exercises such as the bridge and donkey kicks bc I fell like they work well! (I did these exercises for like 6-7 days and I saw massive results but I stopped and let myself go so I went back to where I started. That’s why I’m motivated to start again since I actually saw amazing results! Keep your chin up and you can do it! It’s hard but you’ve got this okay? Don’t give up please.) this is my progress now restarting:
    Day 1: So hard! I literally gave up half way sorry but hopefully second day will be better
    Day 2: I didn’t do it because I got my period but I did 20 squats at least
    Day 3: Wasn’t as hard, I felt really motivated lol. I see a tiny tiny difference
    Day 4: I skipped bc I was getting mood swings 😂 bc of my period but I think my thighs are getting thicker

  29. 😍🧡💛💚🥰
    Indeed, we are blessed to have our Parent. May God Bless them with Longer Life and Good Health as well.🙏

    Can I have the lyrics of this song.🥰

  30. Guys, if you want a really good results, I can tell you: this works amazing!
    There a week I'm doing this exercise, and, first day of all, was the hardest.
    But, when you do it everyday, you can see small results in one week.
    I feel my leg stronger, and thicker then one week ago.
    Remember, to get truly results, you have to go slowly, but never give up!
    Love from Brazil 💚💙💛

  31. As a tall person I'm kinda scared if this exercise will make me even taller.

  32. I have been doing this for a week now and I can really see results. It was very tough to stick to but it works 💯. TRY IT NOW TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM BODY❤

  33. @Liaammk says:

    Heres my updates

    Day 1: I was shaking alot but it was pretty easy to me cause im not really a beginner

    Day 2: It was pretty easy but IM STILL SWEATING my kneeswas hurting a lil bit after

    Day 3: ?

  34. I'm starting to notice that my legs are getting thicker and muscular and I'm on day 5. I use the gym at school twice a week and it helps even more.

  35. @okk798 says:

    does doing this workout make u taller?

  36. @maxizhere05 says:

    as a twink i can say: this video is helping out a bit 🙂

  37. 8 minutes of Hella 😩😩
    but indeed so effective. 😭

  38. It's only day 1 and im really sweating

  39. @ajla7812 says:

    Can someone tell me if this works and their process and experience please? I want to try this out too but I am not sure

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