Healthy Eating

Tips for improving your health in 2023 | ABCNL

Dr. William Li, a physician and author of “Eat to Beat your Diet,” gives tips for success on those New Year’s resolutions. WATCH …

17 thoughts on “Tips for improving your health in 2023 | ABCNL

  1. Its always good to improve your health and yourself.

  2. Khmer23 says:

    When i eat junky food i also eat something healthy with it

  3. luke lombard says:

    Health threat from the users of people that smokes marijuana and cannabis .. think about or you get a real threat like me or others that put you in harm . This is not a joke since you are jokeing about it back about your bad habbits of marijuana and cannabis .

  4. FithitBody says:

    Great video, very informative and easy to understand.😍

  5. Iyanuoluwa says:

    Meeting Dr Adima on YouTube has really been one of the best day of my life after years of suffering I have been finally cured from H.I.V thanks doc God bless you DRADIMA

  6. Iyanuoluwa says:

    Meeting Dr Adima on YouTube has really been one of the best day of my life after years of suffering I have been finally cured from H.I.V thanks doc God bless you DRADIMA

  7. Peter Rocc says:

    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Heb 9:27)
    The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. (Psalms 34:18)
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)
    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

  8. Roger Bing says:

    Don’t get the Fauci flu vaccine . That’s how you stay healthy

  9. Dustin Caso says:

    Quit eating rooted vegetables, grains, refined sugars, and using any kind of seed oil and eat lots of fresh fruit, beef, chicken, raw honey, and milk. You health will improve dramatically.

  10. Next you will be telling us what positions to have intercourse in….LEAVE US BE!!!!

  11. Cal Indi says:

    When i eat junky food i also eat something healthy with it.
    Example eat a packet of crisps with a raw unpeeled sliced beetroot (best thing for liver).
    Sadly we all take supermarkets for granted or as an annoyance.

  12. Deep fry everything.

  13. castlev1986 says:

    easy eat fatty food & be happy

  14. shaf60 says:

    Also walk, walk, walk, and walk 2 to 3 hours a day at a fast pace . AKA The Walker 🎅

  15. The best tip to improve your health in 2023 is to never do what the news media tells you to do. They report whatever is trendy as if it is actually beneficial to one's health. Remember the Atkins diet? How about the flip-flopping "research" on the benefits/risks of "poop water," commonly called coffee? After that we have the flip-flopping "research" on the health benefits/risks of consuming alcohol that the media reports. The best advice is not to turn to the news media for health advice.

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