CBD for ADHD | Dr. Frank Michalski Discusses Using CBD Oil for ADHD

Watch as Dr. Frank Michalski and the Co-Founder of CBD BioCare, Stacey Pitts, discuss using CBD for ADHD. Visit our blog at …

18 thoughts on “CBD for ADHD | Dr. Frank Michalski Discusses Using CBD Oil for ADHD

  1. Gloria_g says:

    There was a fair bit of misinformation here 🙁

  2. Overall good video but I want to say: What they are saying about ADHD is not entirely accurate. Some things are true some are not. I won’t go into detail because I don’t want to write an essay. Just one example – ADHD does not go away in adulthood (maybe symptoms are milder or change so that leads to the common misperception). What he’s saying is also very simplified. But a lot of what he says is true. Go check out Dr Russel Barkley if you want to do more research. He’s an accredited leading psychiatrist in ADHD research. But as for the rest good video. But he’s not said anything I find problematic as such so this is not me being defensive, just trying to encourage caution.

  3. Weedborn has very useful CBD products with all the supplements I need.

  4. I'm 78 years old and have ADHD with mostly out of control hyperfocus. I don't have hyper activity or any depression.. Can I safely try CBD since I take 2 blood pressure meds, verapamil & carvedilol?

  5. I’m 47 years old. I was diagnosed with ADD. When I was 43. Watching this video has answered many questions and most definitely helped me so much. ❤️

  6. Diproc says:

    I turned of the video after 0:15 seconds when she called a chiropractor a doctor!

  7. My son is 22 has ADHD and recently used vape CBD and his behaviour had become very aggressive and angry all the time it is not beneficial at all,

  8. gina bishop says:

    This is awesome information! do you have a suggestion on a dosage for 500mg oil tincture drops for ADHD?

  9. 9 Health Benefits of CBD are Epilepsy, Pain, Arthritis, Anxiety, Depression, Sleep Disorders, Acne, Parkinson's Disease, Nausea and Vomiting.
    Try out a bottle at a time by going to https://www.cbdbiocare.com/?a_aid=GoodKarma

  10. Simran Singh says:

    How can i give this to my son who refuses to put even pill in this mouth. Can i put this in his water? He was taking contera 36 mg and he feels anxity and depressed when he takes it. I need help he is 14 years old and hard to get him too do anything. He is failing school and sometimes doesnt he go too school

  11. Frank Kahler says:

    Miss Stacey & Dr Frank, There are many MANY stories that I could relate here, but I'll lend this one. My, then 7 year old granddaughters came to visit for a week last summer. They are my extremely bipolar son's daughters. One is on an amphetamine, (Fulcran or Vulcran) by day and clonodine for sleep?!?! A nuerological nightmare!!! A tragedy in the making!! Talk about a drug gateway!!! I did not give my granddaughter her meds, instead I gave her a dose of CBD before getting out of bed in the morning and at bed time!! On the 4th night my granddaughter volunteered the following, "PoP "Pop this has been the best part of my days and the best part of my nights"!! Completely UNSOLICITED!!!!!!! I didnt need to ask my granddaughter how she was feeling from the CBD!!! It was obvious!! Both of my granddaughters were kindred all week long!!! They got along better then they ever had!!! Also On Youtube you can hear my childrens stories called "Is CBD being suppressed" We use a brand of CBD called Natures Nutrients because of its absolute PURITY!!! We tryed 9 other brands before finding Nature Nutrients. Their # is 410-820-7700. PEACE!!!

  12. Katira Sakhi says:

    Thank you so much for information you provide I wish your in Australia so I could come see

  13. Laura C. says:

    Lots of great information. I agree with alot of it. Thanks for putting it out here. It could be a sanity savor.

  14. Laura C. says:

    Ive had both boy n a girl they display it differently. Ive had night mareish dealing wiith dr. And meds i used to believe in meds and those stimulants do cause long term in our case permanent change in their brains. I wont do it again. I do support natural meds and vitimins if theres a nutritional deficiency do that first and go from there. I my case adhd runs in my family. My grandson has it n im going to try nutritional things like u mentioned and looking into cbd but for now a little caffine iron omega 3 and B vitamins.

  15. Ahmed % says:

    When introduced to cannabis, slowly started to use compulsively. Eventually on the 14th day of quitting cold Turkey, I received my first ever cbd oil from the online market. Surprised at how it helped me focus. Other than the fact that it helped me quit cannabis, I use it every day now. I am very postive I have undiagnosed adhd (will have proper diagnosis in the future), have been reading and watching a lot on adhd as well as cbd. There's usually no correlation to the two in the mass media but once in a while I see a patriot like me. I would say I use cbd oil primarily for the aid of focus and the anxiety that comes along with it. A tremendous help, just waiting to see actual studies being done over this topic

  16. Fiza says:

    CBD oil is not good for kids

  17. This had some great information, thanks!

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