Organic Cooking

Traditional cooking style of village organic fish ll Fish recipe ll cooking and eating meat

Traditional cooking style of village organic fish ll Fish recipe ll cooking and eating meat Nepal is one the country of Asia where …

47 thoughts on “Traditional cooking style of village organic fish ll Fish recipe ll cooking and eating meat

  1. 👌👌👌👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍

  2. izladiğim vidyolarda büyüğü küçüğü hepsi çok iştahlı.gün de bir öğünmü yiyorlar.hoşuma giden de ben bunu sevmiyorum diyen olmadı.her yemeği iştahla sıyırmaları.

  3. Mother prepares very nice food.Lovely children.

  4. Lovely and cute looking mother and her children.Very nice video made.

  5. 👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍

  6. This lady gives her kids juice out the pan,maybe 1 or 2 potatoes and a bone to the daughter, and this other man 3 scoops and waste hot pot liquor on the child,she always do that,this bitch has a likened for men than her own kids.

  7. Çok güzel yemek yapıyorsun canım hindistanın benim

  8. Интересно блогер этого канала что нибудь дает этим семьям за съёмку

  9. Все не так как то не по человечески живут ,или привычку менять надо ,где-то поставить умывальник ,можно смастерить ,и дома можно как раньше хоть пол как то сделать и печку ,просто они им это не надо они как временно живут ,

  10. Yazık ya çocuklara hiç sağlıklı değiler

  11. Ну вот они не едят всяких насекомых кузнечиков у всех одинаковые казаны откуда

  12. @tracey111 says:

    Camera man are these people that were once nomads?is it true, even other villagers dont like these people because of there fithyness and other reasons Which I choose not to carry on with,but one yes there filthy, unhygienic ways of living

  13. @tracey111 says:

    The girl looks as though she had some blows to her face

  14. The yellow kid is always Hungry

  15. 👍👍👍👍👌👌👌

  16. I love that they seen happy. But Watching how dirty the kids are makes Me sad.. As a mother and now a Grandmother I just can't…I know its hard but a least they can give them a small bath. I see they have water.

  17. Povo sofrido as mulheres andam sem calçados enrolados nós panos

  18. @insunkim171 says:

    The little toddler already knows how to feed itself that is a such cute little one. I have no other comment beside the little toddler.

  19. Bu çocukların giysileri biraz yıkansaydı keşke🥺🥺🥺

  20. Poverty not means to live dirty , They’re just lazy to move their ass!

  21. Eu amo ver esses vídeos, mais min dar uma tristeza de ver essas pessoas nessas condições, misericórdia senhor Jesus.

  22. Охо сегодня у них свежая мясо ,и даже рыба появилась

  23. Essas mulheres tem que parar de parir não tem pena das crianças?


  25. I'm crying to see this video,😭😭😭

  26. Настоящие волки!!! Как кушают,даже одну зёрнушку не роняют!!! Уних желудки наверно огромные, тазиками едят, титановые наверно, без конца сухомятка, как гипс, никогда они не должны болеть, и умереть, очень крепкие люди

  27. Esa criatura ni ropa interior usa pero celular usa que bárbaro , no son pobres sucios y puercos lo que son

  28. Kô thể tin được họ ăn uống bẩn bựa như vậy kinh tởm quá

  29. Aku sudah bosen comen ama vidio ini

  30. IRAN

  31. Do they get any Money?

  32. ayy ne vahşi yemek yiyorlar elleriyle kaşık denen bir şey var en azında ağaçtan kaşık yapın,hele o çocuklar kir içindeler her yerleri açıkta su yokmu hiç o çocukları bi yıkayın temizlik,temizlik 😡😡

  33. @sarifun5368 says:

    Anak anaknya lok kelihatan kotor ya,kasihan mereka

  34. Türkiye'den yazı yorum bu insanlar 2021 yılında mi yasiyor bu hayatı bilemiyorum az çok suları var yemek karıştırma kaşığı var ama yemek kaşığı yok pancalayarak yiyorlar en azından tahta kaşık bile yok çook üzgünüm yaşam şartları iyi leş tirilemezmi

  35. Мальчик спрашивал мясо, а ему не давали… А дети такие грязные

  36. Poor children noses running barefoot sitting on cement floor living in a cave. They need warm clothes and shoes. No water electricity or gas. Yet they are so lovely and natural. Grateful to eat corn and green veggies most of the time. No wasted food there.

  37. She just gives soup from meat to children instead she should give them proper to eat

  38. Người nước này cũng đẹp ăn thì đơn giản quá mặc thì cũng được chỉ mỗi cái là bẩn thỉu quá nếu họ ăn ở sạch sẽ thì họ rất đẹp

  39. @APRIL236 says:

    the mother is not verry good for the child I can see the big girl soo poor

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