Vegan Recipes

Vegan cooking is expensive and complicated?! 😳

37 thoughts on “Vegan cooking is expensive and complicated?! 😳

  1. Dhoni S says:

    Nice I also vegan 🙂

  2. Lollipop Bob says:

    Vegan food is actually cheaper. My boyfriend eat everything and when we go grocery shopping most of the budget goes to his hamburger or cheese or meatball. Rice, chickpeas, veggies and fruits is actually affordable.

  3. Piyush Rahi says:

    It's pricy only for you foreigners because tou need to import vegan product or even if it is manufactured in your country it will still remain expensive since this is booming trend and a change in people habit because mostly people eat animals in most of the countries so obviously that is what made cheaper to them

  4. have you ever tried chicken nuggets??….. they are so yummy 🤤🤤

  5. David Penny says:



    Seriously, you sure got what it takes for someone… So be good!


  6. EveMae says:

    It is not expensive unless you choose expensive …tofu, vegetables, legumes, etc. is not expensive and it's not expensive to season to vegan food to taste as one seasons other foods not vegan also for the same purposes. There are a lot of mental hurdles that are errors once one tries new things as you say …once those mental blocks are overcome one finds it's easy not at all what one thought as in hard one just has to relearn how to eat, reprogram so to speak as many of us have been programmed to a certain diet one can definitely break through that programming and improve ones health and that has benefits for others not just "self"…Vegan cooked does not take any longer unless one chooses to…air fryers and intsa pots are excellent also in terms of time factors…I am not a microwave person myself though I realize many are. All the best! I have been vegan almost 21 years now…it's so freeing on so many levels! Sending encouragement!

  7. Bay_ says:

    Vegetables taste like a dirt! Go eat some meat.

  8. For those who say cooking healthy is time consuming, I say I’d rather spend time in my kitchen than standing in line for procedures and prescriptions.

  9. Enjoy life and eat meat stop just eating leaf hayah

  10. Great, it seems very modern and healthy innovation

  11. Duffy Duffy says:

    Ricette vegane molto interessanti e creative,complimenti !! ❤dall Italia un saluto 😊

  12. 👏👏👏👏 looking forward to this, I love your recipes so quick and easy 🙏🏻 x

  13. Juhi Roy says:

    You are amazing!

  14. desmomoto says:

    Pile of carbs and fiber.
    Good diet to become infertile.

  15. Tastey for the occasional meal. Definitely never going vegan. I believe not every meal requires meat. But no meat for your whole life is an experiment not worth its salt.

  16. This only works bc she is young once she gets about 30 40 your skin is going to be hanging no matter how many carrots or greens she eats.

  17. Jimmy Brooks says:

    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27)
    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15)
    And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)

  18. Rachael says:

    Omg yesss nothing I love more in a vegan dish than the trifecta of cheap, easy, tasty. Can’t wait!

  19. Eat With B says:

    I’ve been vegan for 16 years and I rarely buy the meat replacement products. I love to cook wholefood plants for my family 🙌🏻💚

  20. You have the best recipes I swear! 😫

  21. I feel like fresh vegetables are pretty cheap, but they go bad super quickly. So the exact cost isn’t as much a factor as time and planning.

  22. I like your recipes i have an indian bf so now im vegetarian hes teaching me how to eat more healthy as a mexican.

  23. SYB says:


  24. CERONIKO says:

    Migraine+cluster or you need protein huh?

  25. Being Vegan says:

    Indian food is also very vegan friendly and economical when u replace dairy in vegetation food

  26. Hereiam says:

    Are you french ?

  27. Wait wait, hold on
    You can make tteokbokki from springroll roll?????

  28. Megan McKay says:

    I find it so crazy when people say vegan cooking is expensive when you get can a block of tofu for $2 and that lasts me 2 meals or 10 cans of chickpeas for $10 where I live where as a pack of 3 chicken breasts is $20 it’s also way easier because ever since I became vegan I almost exclusively make one pot/sheet pan dishes so less dishes, less clean up, less effort

  29. Yash Agrawal says:

    And use soy sauce in practically everything!

  30. Dan H says:

    i think her thinning hair will unfortunately put a lot of people off trying vegan

  31. It isn’t expensive it just taste like shit compared to the Royal Red Robin

  32. Your Mum says:

    I would shit myself in public in front of humdreds of people for a chance to try thag food, looks deece

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