Healthy Eating

Servings of the DASH Eating Plan

Angie Placeres, Registered Dietitian at Baptist Health South Florida, explains vegetables and fruits are similar in terms of a …

26 thoughts on “Servings of the DASH Eating Plan

  1. Dolly M says:

    Hi i am 25 year old i am prediabetic i have stage one blood pressure it is on a higher side i ate a lot of sodium and beer Chinese food red meat and i feel that is what has lead me to all of this my question though is i am not overweight infact i am trying to gain weight which is why i drink beer and which is why i started eating crap that i am addicted to now i am 6 feets 2 inches and my current weight is 65 it was 61 a month back so my question is what exactly should i do to gain healthy weight and lower down my blood pressure any guidance would be helpful thanx

  2. IYABO EHIRA says:

    Your generosity towards curing my Infection called Fibroid is Incomparable. You assured me of getting healed and surprisingly after 14days of taking the medication it was so. Thanks Dr Igho I will keep letting the world know about your YouTube Channel.

  3. Leigh says:

    Check out Dr Ken Berry MD for advice and success stories on lowering blood pressure by eating a proper human diet! So many success stories–very encouraging!

  4. Laura C says:

    People want meal ideas not rd education

  5. Honestly measurements are turning me off

  6. Bored Weegie says:

    don't forget the amount of sugar in fruit.. I'm on this NOT by choice but because I've been diagnosed with a very rare blood vessel disorder but didn't know this was called the dash diet. I have dangerously high blood pressure. I'm looking for ideas as I'm so fed up . it's for life.. I eat three times a day.. porridge in morning.. I ha r super seeded bread , plenty of veges and plenty of fruit.. herbs spices.. no sodium, or eggs. , oatmeal milk or almond milk.. no white flour in anything.. special margarine.. I drink nothing but fruit flavour still water and decaf tea.. can't drink caffeine anymore.. trying to think of ways of not having the same thing over and over.. very lean meat . only certain types.. including fresh fish.. nothing with batter obviously. olive oil or rapeseed oil, I've been doing this for a month and after two weeks it's made me lose weight and I'm on this for life.. worried . . and I have never ever been over my weight before and now my clothes are hanging off me. but been told my body will get used to it and it will balance itself out . thank fk . on 7 different types of meds a day for life too.

  7. Mark Silva says:

    How long do we do this diet for?

  8. I eat 2 bananas and 4 apples I not restricted and I’m losing weight fast i never restrict myself ever! I always eat tons of veggies till I’m full!

  9. Anne Coble says:

    I thought fruit was off in first two weeks

  10. Iris Eiselt says:

    How many grams please is one ounce????

  11. Iris Eiselt says:

    Ounces??? In Grams Please?????
    How many grams of Chicken 🐔 per day please?????

  12. Regan Branch says:

    I read a lot of great reviews on the net about how Okibetonic Secrets can help you lost tons of fat. Has anybody tested out this popular lose weight diet plan?

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  14. I’m 41 and have never watched what I eat or dieted. Fast food multiple times a day, I drank Mountain Dew like it was water. I’m now 6’0 238lbs. Really added about 20 pounds in the last year. My blood pressure was 152/88 so I’ve decided to do Dash.

    I’m 2 days in. And I took a nap today for the first time I can remember. Probably because I don’t have all the sugar and caffeine in me.

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  19. Veron Pro says:

    Apples are waxed for glitter looks

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