CBD Health Benefit


In this video you’ll discover the nootropic benefits of CBD Oil. Including why we use CBD Oil as a nootropic, recommended …

8 thoughts on “CBD Oil

  1. Super Alien says:

    i am taking for for long covid brain fog .

  2. Josh Oldaker says:

    Could cbd and noopept be used together?

  3. What a great video and so much info about cbd.thx 🙏

  4. since it has an effect on serotonin, does it kill libido?

  5. Mark Balogh says:

    I've learned so much from your channel thank you for the knowledge. Check out Anthocyanins from wild blueberries, supposedly they repair dopamine receptors in the brain and help treat alziehmers disease, at least that's what it claims.

  6. Mark Balogh says:

    I had no idea that cannabonoids work in reverse on synaptic flow what a unique plant. That Charlotte's web story always hits me hard. 300 seizures a week. I cant imagine being a parent and seeing that. All plants should be available as medicine.

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