
CARDIO WORKOUT AT HOME | Fat Burning | No Equipment | Rowan Row

CARDIO WORKOUT AT HOME | Fat Burning | No Equipment | Rowan Row Hey guys, here you can find a few of my favourite …

49 thoughts on “CARDIO WORKOUT AT HOME | Fat Burning | No Equipment | Rowan Row

  1. Mohit Dewani says:

    What if? We do these exercises whole week ?

  2. How many calories do you burn with this workout

  3. Hi Rowan, Does this exercise improve my cardiovascular health if I stick to it? I want to protect my heart, and it's said that cardio is the best medicine for cardiovascular health.

  4. x holics says:

    Only 1 set can make you breathless

  5. Rahul Bhati says:

    Post it new video bro cardio excise 10 to 15 video post it bro

  6. Alistair says:

    lowekey was not ready for that sexy accent

  7. I have heart problems and I've tried a lot of exercises these last months and I wasn't able to complete this one until today it took my 3 weeks to get the fourth set done but today i completed it with ease and now I'm heading for another of your exercises thank you mate you are amazing.

  8. XraZyn says:

    Im so close to getting abs now les goooo

  9. All right guys I'm starting today right now
    82.4 kg 172cm
    It's 11.03.2023 ( will be edited)

    84 kg fuck fuck fuck
    İt's Last day before ramadan.
    And yeah still 172 cm. 😅

    82 kg it's looks good for now.
    But I have one little problem. I'm eating a lot after fasting. If I can brake it's can be more effective. This week I will try something little harder. If its works I will let you know.
    And I think I'm still 172. 😅

  10. DG... says:

    This workout reasult's strong!!!

  11. This is my least favorite exercise when it comes up in my cycle, and the most gratifying when that timer goes off after the 4th circuit bicycle crunches. I get it in 6 times every 15 days and it's been transformational. Rowan, if you hear ringing in your ears a few times every week, it's me cursing at you during the 3rd and 4th circuits 🤪. I appreciate you and for sharing this now regular part of my routine! ✌😎🤙

  12. XraZyn says:

    The sweat was burning my eye 😂 i found 3 exercises difficult in this those are squats mountain climbers and the shoulder and knee touch

  13. Mykolas says:

    is it okay if i do it at least 7 to 15 times a week

  14. XraZyn says:

    First batch: very doable
    Second: a little harder but still doable
    Third: movement is getting slower
    Fourth: completed it but with extra 10 seconds brake

  15. Kain says:

    if i did this workout for 2 sets everyday, while caloric deficit, would i be able to lose my lovehandles? (185cm, 78kg rn)
    thank you in advance for your response. this seems pretty fun. hope it will help me get rid of this fat on the sides…

  16. Please one video cr7 workout

  17. Smile says:

    Can I do it every day?

  18. Rose A. says:

    After watching the video I think that the hardest step is to get up and start, second hardest step is to keep the routine, but once you make it happen … it feels so rewarding

  19. I'm a fitness guy, but you see this combos right here on this video is Legendary. Even the fittest guy and wan will feel the intensity. Good one brother.

  20. Is it ok to do this workout for 2 set every day?

  21. Jayesh Joshi says:

    हाइट कैसे बढ़ाए

  22. Thanks a lot! Looks good. Will try tomorrow in the morning

  23. Dude I am skinny fat… All excercise were done completely except –
    Knee tap and bicycles… Those were very hard… But I promise myself and you that i'll overcome the difficulties

  24. Turn on captions at the very start and read💀😂

  25. Lovely Singh says:

    I want to something can we eat light things before workout?? If yes what that should be??? Pls help????

  26. 024kejtem says:

    Whats the maximum heart rate to be watch for this type of exercise?

  27. Is this workout also recommended for people having High Blood Presurre condition?

  28. QUSAIGOTEM says:

    I just did 2 and I will keep doing 3 this everday and I’ll check the progress after 1 month

  29. day 1 – gain 250 calories lose 400 calories done 2 set to much leg pain (it will update every day)

    day 2 – high leg sournes gain 200 calories lose 260 done starching cold water bath and some cycling(meet u next day)

    day 3 – 3 set cardio gain 200 calories lose 600 calories take cold water bath some stracting and done (meet u next day) 🙂

  30. This is helping me slot

  31. orges gashi says:

    approximately how many calories do you lose in these exercises

  32. Chris Smith says:

    Just started today I can tell this is going to help me

  33. lloydi05 says:

    First time trying this and I can say I swear a alot more than I expect thanks

  34. its ENSU says:

    Is it bad that I can only complete 2 full sets with a 5 minute break? I’m just now beginning cardio and have always trained weights previously and have never been obese or even that much over weight… I’m 6ft at 190 lbs right now but have decent muscle size. How long doing this 3 times a week do you believe it’ll take me to get to where I can do 3-4 full sets?

  35. Definitely a huge thank you for helping me get back on track with a great workout 👍🏽

  36. Hi friend I am waiting 2👍 like🙏💪👌❤❤

    Showing love is great cant wait to see you🙏🙏💕💕 I SBSRBD

  37. 1SpicyBoi says:

    How many calories does this burn

  38. This workout is fire. Definitely a good way to generate some endurance to start the day off right!

  39. Ever seems I’ve been through that heart break I’ve gotten so weak and in lack of air the past 2 years I just need to be alive again…

  40. max_ishere says:

    I think one set is enough for me today

  41. JohnGrit says:

    Rowan more videos like this please!!

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