Breakfast Ideas

9 Egg Recipes for Breakfast

9 egg recipes for breakfast – Among these breakfast recipes you will find easy recipes, quick recipes, healthier recipes and less …

48 thoughts on “9 Egg Recipes for Breakfast

  1. Don't forget to like the video (it helps so much with the algorithm) and subscribe if you enjoy my content 🙂

  2. Judit R says:

    We always pick out the eye of the eggs… I don't know what it's called in English.

  3. Luke says:

    Gonna get invaded with all that oil.

  4. 2nd omelette recipe is good one and too much yummy 😋

  5. Scrambled Eggs: B tier, not something I care about waking up to. Very nice but lacks many vegetables and other nutrients. Kind of a common egg dish nothing too fancy.

    French Toast Omelette: B tier. Not amazing. A nice egg mcmuffin isn't too bad occasionally but I'm not going of my way to make it or even going to McDonalds to get any. If it's the only available item other than even crappier foods I would eat it.

    Rolled Omelette: S tier. Top tier. Vegetables, lots of nutrients, rolled nice and easy to eat. Very good texture too. Some care put into making it. Top tier food

    French Omelette: B tier. Nice and smooth looking but very little flavor or nutrients. The chives are a nice touch but it's just garnish who cares.

    Turkish Omelette: D tier. Absolute travesty. Nothing personal against Turks but this thing is just diarrhea. The texture is diarrhea, the eggs are too runny. The nutrients are okay I guess and I know paprika is good but the runninness and texture absolutely destroys it. Eggs should either be nice and firm or non-existent in your recipe (like in a cake for exmaple).

    Bread Omelette: D tier. Another travesty. Whoever invented this should be taken out and shot to death. Why would you cut a hole on the bread and cook all the important nutrients on the hole. The whole point of bread is to soak it all up and create a festival of flavors and you just let it all fall through the hole. That's like creating a wallet and making a massive hole in it for what purpose?

    Spinach and Mushroom Frittata: S tier. Clear S tier. Took a lot of time and care to make. Many delicious ingreidents and nutrients that all accentuate the flavor of eggs. Spinach, onions, mushroom whoever made this knows how to cook eggs. Made to be firm enough to eat like a pie. And I love pie.

    Shakshuka: A tier. Never eaten it but as a chef I can imagine how it would taste from the ingredients, temperature used to meld them and the good assortment of nutrients. Very nice not too bad. The tomato really goes well with eggs and garlic and cumin always makes everything good. I suppose I like cumin a lot more from childhood nostalgia bias though as someone that liked taco bell

    Breakfast Burrito: B tier. Honestly never tried it but sounds like the burrito version of Egg Mcmuffin. The spinach is a nice touch though but I'm not going to go out of my way to get it.

  6. pratik kumar says:

    I have tried french omelet so many times, it's just becomes scrambled eggs.

  7. GoaCentry says:

    It's eggsactly eggcelent

  8. GenosYT says:

    Should a 10 year old do these?

  9. Zexki says:

    people always amaze me how creative they are with commenting while here I'm struggling just to find something to say 😅

  10. KittyCat says:

    I am Turkish and i have never seen that turkish eggs lmao they look really good tho i just don't think i can do poached eggs 😭

  11. killahk94 says:

    Try crispy eggs thk me later! 😊

  12. killahk94 says:

    Aye that triple cheddar looks Disgusting

  13. killahk94 says:

    Which bird is that with the dark egg?

  14. Mahmood454 says:

    The shakshuka recipe is way much different from the Palestinian recipe but its still has the absolutely lovely taste and flavor

  15. What kind of cheese is that? 1:42

  16. there's truly no wrong way to cook eggs

  17. the rolled omelettes where acc so good!🙂

  18. Chance Allen says:

    Not having a frittata on this list should be a cardinal sin.

  19. Cheese👍 says:

    As a kid im bored so i want to cook so thank you👍👍👍

  20. İm a turkish person and i can say that were not eating eggs like this especially with yoghurt 😐

  21. Reem 23w says:

    You can make shakshuka just by cooking onion and tomato and mix it with the egg, it easier that way

  22. THE PLANNER says:

    I mostly like the one with carrot and onion

  23. Wayne Kinney says:

    1:08 spot the runt of the little 😉

  24. HTX713 says:

    bro that first one seemed like it could've been cooked for longer…👀

  25. Kathy Barry says:

    Subscribed….. Love your ideas… Thanks 👍❤️

  26. Hello chef so hap to listen yr breakfast thx gd bless you

  27. JC says:

    Lots of recipes for Eggs. Thanks so much for sharing.

  28. Siam Islam says:

    After eating soo many eggs your heart and cholesterol be like: 😵😵

  29. I would cook them all
    But without onions, I hate them

  30. WoW!!!

  31. Which pan is best for these ?
    I got steel one , but it’s thin
    Also I got electric stove , not gas

  32. i tried the rolled omelette and i got on the 2 try my mom loved it and it was fun to

  33. Superb 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  34. The first one is completely raw… not made for human consumption, even your dog will get sick off of it…

  35. Anyone else use to get egg in a pocket from parents, basically you put bread with a big hole in the middle of it in a frying pan and then crack the egg in that hole..haven’t had that in years

  36. Samantha says:

    Literally rn it’s night and I can’t eat breakfast yet but I’m seeing the food here and I’m like- 😋😋😋🤤🤤🤤✨✨✨✨

  37. snfmaablz says:

    Please consider doing an overnight oats recipe.

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