Healthy Eating

The Science of Healthy Eating

More info: Caltech neuroeconomists have …

46 thoughts on “The Science of Healthy Eating

  1. MrZelduck says:

    Music is too loud

  2. 강경화 says:

    I got a better Idea make broccoli taste like bacon

  3. Dickinson says:

    Doctors always tell you to be healthy bc most surgeries will change your life in a weird way

  4. I love you says:

    POV: u have had a healthy meal and now feel like the healthiest person ever so u decided to search up healthy eating only to find that there are not much interesting videos as u expected

  5. I used to eat junk food all the time 24/7. I eat way more fiber now and drink water. Then it works together to clean your gut out the right way rather then the wrong way. Now my healthy is way better then it was back at the beginning of 2021. I was 245 pounds 29 years old lost 26 pounds in 28 days. Felt really good but then got my weight up again started my own diet feel great again. I was aiming to be below 220 but I was below 200 at the most.

  6. Oh god . Good diet is most necessary in today's world . But nothing is 100% natural even not the fruits and vegetables. I am using ayurveda not only for my skin but for good health , metabolism , overall body functions Their products ashwagandha, gilloy for good health some products like serums , gels are really really good planet ayurveda has a bouquet of products and many more no doubt they are purely natural.

  7. I love celery but sometimes I eat ice cream instead. So, we all have good and bad health days. Eat and cook healthy!

  8. This video shows me good habits related to eating healthy and PLANET AYURVEDA is also having good dietician which gives proper knowledge about healthy and nutritious food.

  9. Tuấn Hà says:

    Please lower the music volume so I can hear the narrator more clearly.

  10. The music is too loud comparing to your voice.

  11. All this will be possible if you start eating healthy , do exercise , eat healthy food , also add some herbal products in your daily diet like amla juice, ashwagandha , gilloy this product not only keeps you healthy but also fits your body or makes your skin glowing. Thanks to planet Ayurveda for manufacturing such an amazing products .

  12. Adrift says:

    Turn the stupid music off you can’t even hear the guy talking

  13. Guys. lost a ton of weight does not need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I will give you some advice right now. Look for a popular weight loss secrets called Okibetonic Secrets (look on google search engine). Thanks to it I've lost lots of weight. I should not even be talking about it cause I don't want a bunch of other guys out there running the same game but whatever. I'm just in a excellent mood right now so I'll share the wealth haha.

  14. Does Okibetonic Secrets really help to lost crazy amounts of weight? We have learn numerous good stuff about this popular weight loss methods.

  15. Howlite__ says:

    Me replaying the video 100000 times because his voice is so quiet:

  16. When it comes to eating healthy, you have to try not to fall victim to modern fad diet plans. Extreme diets are a threat for your health, especially ones that seriously restrict your daily nutritional intake. While they might induce fast weight loss, these diet plans will never be a long-term solution for your waistline. It is best to look up Okibetonic Secrets on google since it isn't just another fad diet where you starve yourself.

  17. Parwane Nido says:

    Guys, losing weight doesn't need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I'll give you some advice right now. Search a diet plan known as Okibetonic Secrets. Seriously, that program has changed my entire life. I probably should not even be mentioning it cause I do not want a bunch of other folks out there running the same "game" but whatever, I'm in a good mood today so I'll share the wealth haha.

  18. I can't hear the speech the music sounds so louder.

  19. Hema Chauhan says:

    Nice information 👌

  20. DFW says:

    Eating healthy is good. Only takes a fews months to see real changes!

  21. Its still surprise me, how many people don't know about Custokebon Secrets, although many people get good results with it. Thanks to my cooworker who told me about Custokebon Secrets, I've lost lots of weight with it without starving myself.

  22. It iscso true healthy food doesn't have to be boring, expecially when you know how to prepare it in a tasty way that allowe you to stay in a caloric deficit for weight loss

  23. Has anyone used the Custokebon Secrets to lost a ton of fat? Simply just do a google search. On there you will discover that an awesome suggestions about how you can lost a lot of weight. Why not give it a shot? perhaps it can work for you too.

  24. Hello there, I want to know if Custokebon Secrets, will really work for me? I see lots of people keep on speaking about this popular weight loss secrets.

  25. kartana guy says:

    Doctors and this guy: eat healthy. Don’t play games. They prob give eye strain (prob in another video)
    Everyone in any game: no

  26. This vid is really cool. I have been trying to research for a YouTube video that informs the stuff in this vid! 🧑🏻‍⚕️Your vid is like the channel from Doctor Ethan. His demonstrations are educational and I really learned a lot for my midterms! He is an insightful Doctor in Europe and he explains vaccines and wellness.

    You should watch his channel out and give the med student a like! 👉 #DoctorEthanStudentDoctor

  27. क्या आप 30 दिन में अपना 4 से 6 kg तक फैट कम करना चाहते हैं तो हम आपकी सहायता करेंगे। 9315400003 pr contact kre😊😊=wellness coach ramesh kumar…….

  28. M J says:

    I think it means you don't keep junk food in your house and you try make nutritious food as tasty as possible ( or look for nutritious food that you like vs forcing yourself things you don't like)

  29. Panda Gamezz says:

    Me when my health teacher scans at all of us when we talk about fast vs slow metabolism: 😊…3 sec…😑…3 sec…😶…3 sec…😒 3 sec…🤢…3 sec…🤮
    The last emoji is when I go on a diet!
    Me when I finally try to stick to a diet: 😙😏ooo I'm gonna glow up during quarantine!!….1 week later… 🥕🥒🍅🥬😢😭 I'm rlly craving junk food rn 🍟🌯🍪🍔🙄🤫 maybe just a bite?…5 sec later… 🍿🍔🌯🍭🍫🥤🥪🥖🥞🍰🍝🍜🍩🍦🌭🍕🥓🥩🍽 FORGET ABOUT DIETING!!! 🤤😋😁
    1 Day Later, I step on the scale after passing out from last night's dinner party with the one on one only ME!!: 🤢🤮😫😭 I gained 5 lbs?!! No way!! Whatever its just water weight so OMG that means i didn't gain any actual weight!! I'll try to diet again today. First few hours doing great 😁🥑🥦🧄🍌🥚…2 hours later sister comes in with 🍰🍰🍩🍩🍦🍦🍟🍕….. I go bunkers bc it was so tempting. End of the story is: I binge eat again!! 🤬🤬😡😤😭. So moral of my story? Is that dont get tempted by food like me and stop telling yourself " ill just start the diet tomorrow, I promise!! But guess what I didnt stick to my plans n diet but I also gained more weight fromexcessive eating becauseI thought I wouldn't get to eat the food I loved and missed so my binge eating sessions made me happy! But after you realized how much you ruined yourself, you feel guilty and since I'm not the type to puke after eating, I feel even more shamed that I ate so much even though I felt full, I could not stop. But you need to stop and start to love and motivate yourself that if you want that body, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

  30. kotov dot in says:


  31. De Mir says:

    i'll eat this non stop tho my sis eating to much junk food me😃-my sis🤮

  32. Khokhi Penn says:

    Thank You. Great Content.

  33. Funky Mix says:

    How to create a food healthy plate

    Check this video :

  34. Paul eboehi says:

    .Finally I have been cured of herpes after suffering from the virus for over 10years with several outbreaks, thank you @Dr_ayomide_ for curing me of Herpes for this I'm going to continue sharing so other people can be cured too, He also has medicine , HIV, DIABETES, LUPUS, INFERTILITY, CANCER,weight loss and many more which I can't

  35. Although celery is a better choice, cookies do taste better.

  36. Annalyn Yap says:

    good video with no bad words

  37. Rene Page says:

    If you wish to shed weight, you need to look up Custokebon Secrets on google. They'll help you get the body you need.

  38. kirsty burns says:

    It's still surprise me just how a number of people have no idea about Fenoboci Diet Plan although a lot of people using it. Thanks to my personal friend who told me about this. I've lost crazy amounts of weight.

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