
Cruise Kitchen: EASY Appetizers – Goat Cheese Bites and Bonus Recipe

We are finally back with another episode of the CruiseTipsTV Test kitchen! This is Part two of THREE cooking videos coming.

16 thoughts on “Cruise Kitchen: EASY Appetizers – Goat Cheese Bites and Bonus Recipe

  1. Trader Joe’s has a great balsamic reduction vinegar in a squeeze bottle…looking forward to making these recipes! Take care and stay safe.

  2. Yum. I really need to go to Trader Joe's now haha

  3. iskijay says:

    Love these videos 🙂 TY 💗
    Also we love the podcast too

  4. These look delicious! Another use for the goat cheese balls is to flatten them a bit, like a patty. Then warm them in a saute pan and serve on top of a spring mix salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

  5. Sorry I dint do fb or social media. Can I get some help in where to stay in ft lauderdale. 1st time cruisibg from there. Thanks so much for any help. Hoping under $200

  6. Your bites look delicious!

  7. Tina S says:

    Wow! That looks so yummy. I printed out both recipes. I know your area has some great Balsamic Vinegar. I buy it all the time. Need to go back and get more Vinegar.

  8. Zenkakuji says:

    My mouth is watering! Looks awesome. I like to use goat cheese for dessert. Cut the chilled goat cheese log with dental floss into discs. Put disc on plate and place a small teaspoon of Lemon curd on top. Garnish with fresh chocolate peppermint leaves or regular peppermint. Simple and just enough to satisfy your craving for regular cheesecake.

  9. Jo Dura says:

    Thanks Sheri, this will be on my table for July 4

  10. Catherine B says:

    YUM😋 !! Those look delicious. Will be picking up some goat cheese on my next grocery run. Thanks

  11. These recipes look so good! So tasty!!! Thanks for sharing them Sheri 😊

  12. One of my faves is lemon dill coleslaw. Made with grape seed oil (Trader Joes) , lemon, sugar, coleslaw mix and dill, fresh is better.

  13. I would watch you over food network any day!

  14. Brooke Shaw says:

    Yum! I need to try these!

  15. SH Life says:

    best recipe. I also have cooking videos too. stay connected with you. best wish for you. Thank you so much.

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