
Two arrested as illegal marijuana growing operation shut down in Oklahoma

Two arrested as illegal marijuana growing operation shut down in Oklahoma.

12 thoughts on “Two arrested as illegal marijuana growing operation shut down in Oklahoma

  1. Gtfo but government and sell these f..king politicians are something oh why they didn't pay taxes really keep doing a good illegal weed sellers f..k them greedy ass politicians

  2. Ground Beef says:

    But it's legal in other states?

  3. Michael Scot says:

    What a colossal waste of time and money.

  4. popanollie1 says:

    how do you put a value on a plant? it cant be sold for months until it is grown and dried after all the work is done. never heard of anyone going to a dispenserary or dealer and saying how much to pay for the plant and i will just do all the months of work myself of growing and drying it.

  5. Is this farm tied to the Chinese mafia like many others have been?

  6. Patticake says:

    Hey Love County, Share the Love.

  7. t bishop says:

    If you don't pay the extortion fee to the state, you're a bad bad guy

  8. The way states use swat teams to protect their funds,is no difference then the cartels..
    Ronald Reagan would be turning in his grave if he knew states are the biggest marijuana dealers. .
    Who remembers pot,weed,marijuana,cannabis is the gateway drug to other harder real drugs..

  9. Adam says:

    I work out in the country, all day long. I see almost 20 of these farms everyday. And I'd say about half are three times the size of this one, and granted they may be legal, but none of these people are millionaires. That did not look like a 3 million dollar farm js

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