Recreational Marijuana

Delaware Senate Passes Recreational Marijuana Bill

The Delaware State Senate voted Tuesday to make small doses of marijuana legal, but Governor John Carney still has to sign the …

11 thoughts on “Delaware Senate Passes Recreational Marijuana Bill

  1. Robert says:

    Keep it illegal. It F'N smells. Users should be forced to smoke indoors. Pot is worse for the lungs as oppose to traditional cigarettes. Weed is not a sacred plant. It should be taxed heavily if it becomes legal and tobacco prices should go down in result of it. Every state that has legalized pot has seen crime rates go up. I am against letting pot users out of jail also because they most likely will inherit criminal behavior with the jail exposure. The only thing dope is Cope. Marijuana is known to enhance anxiety. Trust me, I know. I used to smoke it. Getting high is über lame! Alright, that is all.

    Tobacco > Reefer.

  2. Versatile says:

    Snoochie boochies

  3. Joseph says:

    I need this to happen so badly

  4. GhoulishArms says:

    Stop Letting These politicians tell you what you can and can't do,in other states the people tell the Senate how it's going to go regarding people rights,and no one wants your medical marijuana it cost 50 a 8th for trash

  5. Matthew Rupp says:

    Great, now my family will have to deal with the odor of marijuana in even more places. Shouldn't legalize it until there's ways to test for it the same way they do for alcohol DUI/DWI arrests.

  6. My Own Path says:

    The only thing about American weed is that it has pesticides.
    That's why I prefer Organigram products from Canada because they're organic and I trust them more.

  7. BigJon410 says:

    Playing catch up with New Jersey and soon to be Maryland.

  8. Daryl Darrel says:

    Everybody gets high,yeah fools!

  9. 🆓️ the 420 guys,,

  10. But Pennsylvania is still on some bull

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