CBD & Pets

How To Make CBD For Pets | Homemade CBD Dog Treats


17 thoughts on “How To Make CBD For Pets | Homemade CBD Dog Treats

  1. PappyStubs says:

    MCT oil/coconut oil is not good for animals long term or for pets with liver issues.

  2. Wild Otter says:

    You should bake the cbd flowers for 25 min at 250 degrees .

  3. Somebody shared on another video by baking them with the CBD Oil in them that is dries out the oil and makes them no good, that they have to be freezed or left out to harden on their own? So it is okay to bake them with the CBD oil in them like you show here?

  4. I purchased hemp and made my cbd oil. I aks tested it and it has 11.4 mg. THC. I thought cbd shoud only have about 1% thc. Any tips?

  5. It's great to see this… I have also treated myself. Weedborn oils have helped me a lot.

  6. Weedborn has some very useful CBD stuff with all the supplementation I need.

  7. Great recipe, thanks! I bought some CBD treats recently on Petcarerx but they were quite expensive. This is a much cheaper way to make CBD treats for my dog.

  8. I did it with Weedborn CBD products!

  9. Anybody looking for REAL cbd treats, head over to dabbindoge.com they've been making cbd dog treats since 2017 and have been featured at multiple cannabis venues across the tri state area

  10. Cbd has a boiling point of 365 Fahrenheit. Convection ovens will burn the cbd and you still need a way to precisely add specific amounts of CBD to each treat.

  11. Mark Smith says:

    Do you not bake this?

  12. about how much CBD (mg) is in each treat?

  13. Jade says:

    How much money do these cost to make?

  14. Are these stored at room temperature? What is the shelf life?

  15. Zmrs1 says:

    This is NOT CBD, this is THC… Edibles, helps me sleep at night, a great pain reliever, but I would never give this to my puppy, without talking to her doctor (vet) SMH

  16. Agent 355 says:

    THC is toxic for dogs! Talk to your vet before taking advice from someone just wanting to sell you a machine.

    * I do own one of these and they are fantastic machines. Just bad advice in this video.

    The video mentions using CBD
    flower but needs to be more clear and note that THC will make your pet sick.

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