Meat Recipes

The Perfect Garlic Butter Steak Recipe

This Garlic Butter Herb Steak is pan seared and cooked to perfection and topped with a garlic herb butter compound. This is the …

30 thoughts on “The Perfect Garlic Butter Steak Recipe

  1. You had me until you put oil on no need for binders 😢

  2. PEACEFUL T says:

    Are you using unsalted or salted butter?

  3. James reyes says:

    How many minutes on each side when your cooking it? Thanks!

  4. Devon Ballou says:

    I just started cooking with a cast iron pan and cannot wait to try this!!!!

  5. How many minutes on each side?

  6. MakeDestroy says:

    Thanks trying this in the morning. I’m worried letting it sit for 10 mins will let it get too cold tho!

  7. Ash Chy says:

    I can never get that medium slightly red looking inside, always ends up well done and not juicy and tender. I use a cast iron skillet, all the same ingredients but I always tend to overcook mine, just can never get it right! Any help and pointers highly appreciated. Just looks so easy on video but sure damn hard in real life 😭

  8. Making this tonight I wish I could have it cooked medium but I’m pregnant 😩 still gonna be good tho

  9. Anish Kumar says:

    👍☺️. I enjoy medium rare

  10. CedFromCT ** says:

    How long do you let it cook on each side

  11. This is pretty good. I substituted some stuff, but the general way she cooked the steak holds up..

    1) I didn't make a seasoning mix, I coated my Ribeyes in a bit of olive oil and Montreal steak dry seasoning.

    2) I didn't add "whole" sprigs of thyme, or whole garlic cloves. I minced my garlic and used dried thyme for bit of seasoning. I also added a squirt of lemon just because we like the taste. And I mean, literally, a squirt. You don't want that flavor to overpower because it definitely can.

    3) I used a separate skillet as the steak was cooking to sear up some sweet onion slices. Right before the onion finished cooking (about 4-5 mins on medium depending on size) I added in a bit of GREEN onion (scallions) and a bit more of the minced garlic from earlier.

    4) As the steak was cooking I still did the butter thing. So no extra salt is needed. Butter has salt in it AND most pre-mixed seasoning like Montreal Steak have salt in them. I used a BIT less butter than she did, but that's preference only. I knew I could get the flavor I wanted with what I added.

    Overall, great cooking tips here. A true "home chef" will always improvise and find ways to customize their meals for themselves and their loved ones instead of just blindly following recipes. Recipes and cooking instructions are just a guideline.

  12. Knack says:

    If you’re eating a steak medium well you might as well eat a mf porkchop. Medium rare gang gang

  13. Hi, is it okay to use dried rosemary and thyme?

  14. elizabeth m says:

    Looking good 👍

  15. I can’t wait to try this recipe out, but I like to cook mine on the grill and medium rare. But looks so very Delicious 🤤 😋 , Yum!

  16. Peter chan says:

    Lil red be better

  17. Mamamia
    Looks so tempting and juicy

  18. Did you know you can like really cook? Love your recipes! This is absolutely a keeper! I know you know you can cook that is why you are online! Fantastic! 😎

  19. JR Gamez says:

    How long did you leave it on for medium well?

  20. Do you cook it on low heat or medium?

  21. I legit run to this page for helping with me as I’m new to learning how to cook

  22. Jim Carner says:

    You said in the vid that you like steak medium-well, but when you served it up it looked like medium-rare to me. Did you misspeak?

    Personally I like steak rare.

    Generally in winter I'll have steak with boiled baby potatoes and boiled veg like julienne carrots, sugarsnap peas, mangetout peas or tenderstem broccoli (all of which I serve up covered in butter). Sometimes I'll have steak with a baked potato instead of boiled potatoes.

    In summer I'll have steak with fries and a salad with a balsamic vinaigrette.

    I've never had steak with mashed potatoes as in your vid, but it looks delicious. I'm definitely going to try that. Although (minor criticism) I'd make the mash more creamy than yours by using more milk and/or butter.

  23. taz J says:

    Looks good but meat has to be well done for me. I know I know don't judge me lol

  24. gorg says:

    What brand of butter did you use?

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